The List of new candidates were released,The candidate for the post of V-president were--- 1-Mr.Dechen losel.
3-Mr.Choying Gyatso
4-Mr.Yeshi Gyatso.
The candidate for the post of G-Secretary were--
1-Mr.Pema Tsering.
2-Mr.Dawa Bhutia.
3-Mr.Dorjee namgyal.(Donam)
4-Mr.Urgen rungdol.
The Candidate for the post of Manager were--
1-Mr.Gonpo tseten.
2-Mr.Sonam phintso.(Bhai Loya)
3-Mr.Karma Changchup.
4-Miss.Dicky Dolma-(Dega)
The voting papers were distributed and people started voting...
Nice to see Donam on the list. More youths should be encouraged to step up and run for these position.